Sunday, November 7, 2021

Key takeaway from My Recent Conversations 1

We met different friends during different phases of life. I am glad that I am keeping in contact with a few friends. 

She’s my best friend. I knew her since my secondary school. She is working as a partially certified pharmacist now (Pardon me for those technical terms hahaha). We would share to each other about our progress in our career. 

A story that she shared and had left me a deep impact was a case she has seen in the hospital she is working at. A mother was driving on the highway with her 12 years’ old son. The journey to her destination could be very long and the mother fall asleep. Then, I don’t really know what her car has hit into, but an accident happened to her car. She and her son can’t escape from injuries. Her bones of her both legs are fractured. On the other hand, her son went into coma because they found minor of bloods were bleeding out from his brain. He was also having epilepsy quite occasionally because his nerve impulses were badly disrupted.  

She witnessed the mother’s condition after the mother had finished her surgery. Two iron rod (size of a ball point pen) were used to support her feet. Opps, it sounds so painful to me even I am not there to see the whole picture. She also updated about the son. It was a good news: He has woke up. To be honest, I don’t know is this really considered a good news, because he has to wake up to see the things that have happened to his mom. 

Before this, I have read some news about car accidents too. The one who survived after the accidents, they really suffered in pain, not just from the physical side but from the mental as well.  

Drive safely is upmost important! If you’re tired, please take a good rest at any R&R station. Don’t force yourself to drive. Your destination is not moving anywhere and it can wait for you. Please be a responsible driver. 

Ok, bye.


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